Perfecting your protein mass spectrometry

Beyond the current proteomics tools



AffiPro is proud to partner with the Multiomics project under the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports‘ Jan Amos Komenský Operational Programme (OP JAK). The Multiomics Project serves as a platform for identifying biological correlates of diseases and developing new diagnostic, preventive, and therapeutic approaches. The project builds on the longstanding collaboration between the First Faculty of Medicine at Charles University, the Institute of Biotechnology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, and the Institute of Microbiology of the Czech Academy of Sciences, all operating at the BIOCEV research center and two innovative application partners: GeneSpector, s.r.o., and Affipro, s.r.o.



Interested in the AffiPro MALDI chip technology? There will be two lectures at the ASMS 2024 in the Clinical Analysis: Innovations section covering this topic: TOE am 8:50 (Dvorak et al.) and TOE 9:10 (Volny et al.)


Stop by at the AffiPro booth 326 during the upcoming ASMS 2024 conference to see what is new! We are looking forward to meeting you in Anaheim!

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